Successful Nike

I read about Nike in my sustainable business class and found out that it is one of the popular brands in the sports shoes and clothes industry. The company had faced a lot of criticism in the past on the controversies on the issues of child labor ethics on its supply chain. However, in recent years, Nike has managed to become successful after implementing several corporate social responsibility and sustainability initiatives. Nike’s brand offers quality products to consumers, and it has an excellent marketing strategy, but the CSR activities have significantly contributed to its popular brand image.

According to Nike’s report for the financial year 2016 to 2017, Nike made considerable investments in the social and environmental initiative (Nike Inc. 2018). Besides, customers have a preference for products from companies that strive to reduce the environmental impact. The company focuses on enhancing the quality of lives of the community it operates in by engaging in sustainable innovation. The need to reduce carbon footprint is of great concern for Nike Company. It continues to invest in innovation initiatives to produce quality products and focus on operations that do not contribute to the degradation of the environment. The company intends to rely on renewable energy in all its activities by 2025 (Nike Inc. 2018). Nike, therefore, has concerns for the state of the environment for current and the future generation.

Nike Company also realized that the environmental impact of its shoes is as a result of the materials used hence formed partnership with LAUNCH and Sustainable Apparel Coalition to make environmental friendly materials (Nike Inc. 2018). Waste management is one of the approaches to ensure sustainability. Nike thus reuses its waste materials to create value for a new product. The waste materials from Nike’s shoes are useful in renovating tennis courts, and athletes track as well as manufacturing new shoes. The company does not have to spend more money on acquiring some materials to carry out these activities. Nike also focuses on employee welfare. The brand develops an inclusive workforce to enhance its efficiency as the employees become motivated to work towards an improved performance of the company. Moreover, the company has concerns for the welfare of the communities that it operates in hence participate in charity events and donations.

After graduation, I hope to work for a company that prioritizes the employee’s welfare and also pays them a sufficient salary to enhance their livelihood. I will also expect a culture committed to integrity to increase value for volunteering in community-based activities. I will hope that the employees view volunteering positively. Besides volunteering to community services is not only beneficial for the brand but also to the employees’ awareness of the social issues that affect the communities. They should feel motivated to promote development programs. I also expect that the company will have a diverse and inclusive culture that values everyone’s opinions, attitude and belief. I hope that the company’s management will ensure that every employee feels appreciated and that they add value to the organization. Their opinions and ideas should thus contribute to the decision-making process of the organization. I expect a work-friendly environment for employees to give them the opportunity for growth and development in personal and professional areas. Finally, I hope that the organization will be also strategizing on production methods that reduce the environmental impact.





Nike, Inc. (2018). FY 16/17 Sustainable Business Report. Retrieved on March 3, 2019, from