Summary and Analysis of this week reading and discussion

Summary and Analysis of this week reading and discussion

Reading 1: Jews and Judaism in Philadelphia by Richard Libowitz

The discussion in reading 1 is centered on Jews and Judaism. According to Richard Libowitz, Jews are people (not race), a nation, like the Irish or Zulu. Meanwhile, Judaism represents the evolving religious civilization of that people. The civilization in this context entails language, land, law, social institutions, culture and other facets of any civilization. Precisely, it is a religious civilization, because the theological understandings of Judaism entail the idea of the covenant and special relationship between God and his people.

The text further explored Jews and Judaism doctrines and belief in the critical aspect of life. For instance, Liebowitz states that even though Jesus Christ is at the center of Christian faith, he plays an insignificant role in Jewish religious life. The few Jews who understand the relevance of Jesus might recognize him as a Jew, possibly a Rabbi, who lived and died 2,000 years ago. The author further defined Orthodox Judaism as those who seek to observe as many of the Hebrew Bible’s 613 commandments as apply to them — in conclusion, reading 1 absolutely discuses on the belief of Jews and Judaism. Richard Libowitz has elaborated the religious culture of Jews and Judaism. The reading has helped us to understand and appreciate other faiths and embrace love amongst us.

Summary of reading 2: The founding of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society: 1817-1830 by Daniel Ashton

This reading is about Rebecca Gratz who is facing spiritual strength. The text describes Rebecca Gratz who remained lonely after the demise of her closest sister Sarah. The Jewish mourning rites and the deepening interest in religion she shared with her gentile women friends drew Gratz into religious debates that both eased her grief and strengthened her religious convictions. The Ashton further states that while Rebecca’s many non-Jewish friends counseled her to adopt their religious attitudes toward grief, those ideas by two criteria. First, they determined whether an approach could be grounded in biblical sources.

Creation of female Hebrew Benevolent society has not been an easy journey. Some challenges would distract one from establishing such a society. Although women had long been involved in individual acts of generosity towards their neighbors in need, the female Hebrew Benevolent Society hoped to work collectively as an organized body for relief of indigent females and their families. According to the author, such a society will become a primary focus on helping families whose situation may render them objects of charity.

Summary of Reading 3: Pioneer Preacher by Lance Sussman

This text about Isaac Leeser triumph in Philadelphia. Leeser being a determined preacher to spread the gospel, he was never discouraged of any challenges that would come by his way. The text further states that Leeser’s physical unattractiveness and personal frustrations with his newly established congregation in town stood in stark contrast to the success of a local Unitarian minister, William Henry Further.

The text further helps us to understand the challenges that modern preacher are likely to undertake in the ministry. Spreading the gospel is never easy and Isaac Leeser, being a pioneer preacher, he had to survive and endure the frustration on the way.


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