Super Size Me Documentary by Morgan Spurlock

Super size me is an American documentary film directed by Morgan Spurlock. The film is all about the influence of fast food on the physical and psychological wellbeing of a person. It depicted Spurlock’s 30 day period when he depended on MacDonald’s fast food as his meals. He encourages that human being should depend on poor nutrition which he argues that is beneficial to our lives. In this regard, he depicts fast food to be having an undesirable effect on the human body. Even though some people argue that fast food is right and that they have no adverse impact on the body, Spurlock is on the contrary opinion. This essay will focus on the influence of the fast food industry as well as the consequences of Spurlock dependence on MacDonald’s food.

Fast foods lead to a drastic increase in weight which has adverse effects in our lives. Scurlock’s weight increases drastically during the period when he took three meals a day at MacDonald’s restaurant. According to his trainer, he is of above average shape at the beginning of the film. After five days, his weight had increased from 185.5 pounds to 195 pounds which further increased by 7.7 kilograms in twelve days. Since then he had started experiencing depression, lethargy, and headaches which he believed could only be relieved by eating at MacDonald’s restaurant which is a sign of addiction. This clearly shows why fast foods are not encouraged to be consumed as they can lead to addiction which has long-lasting negative impacts on the body.

Fast foods lead to the loss of much energy as well as sex drive which is as a result of much due to the high-fat content in these foods. When fats accumulate in the body, they affect the body organs which in turn affects how different organs functions. According to his girlfriend, Alexandria Jamieson, Spurlock had lost too much energy and sex drive during this period when he consumed MacDonald’s foods. Due to addiction, he could not heed to advise from medical professions such as Dr. Daryl Isaacs to stop drinking these foods to avoid severe health problems.This is the reasons why doctors recommend nutrition which is less in fat content to prevent this kind of problems. Loss of energy in the body can result in the malfunctioning of body organs such as reproductive organs leading to the production of low-quality cells in the body.

Fast foods also lead to heart problems such as heart palpitations. This is as a result of too much fat in these foods which affects the functioning of the heart. Eating foods that are rich in saturated fats, can lead to high blood pressure which puts the human being at risk of heart attack or stroke. After twenty-one days of the experiment, Spurlock’s internist Dr. Daryl attests that he is suffering from heart palpitation. The doctors said that his liver looks like that of the alcolics due to fatigue and shakes which is a sign of liver damage. This is far much worse form the condition of his heart at the beginning of the experiment.

Vision problem is also a problem that comes as a result of fast eating food on a daily basis. They lead to poor vision or deterioration of the vision which can lead to partial blindness or shorten the vision of a person at an old age. According to Spurlock’s physicians, his vision capability had deteriorated over a short period during the experiment. He had eaten ninety meals that had a high content of nutrition that nutritionist say that should be consumed in eight years. This cause vision impairment which is a severe problem of human being as it deteriorates the health of a person. The film depicts this to be an eye-opener to most people so they can avoid these foods to live a healthy lifestyle.

The film talks about the effects of overeating meals and no exercise. As it is depicted, it has an adverse impact on the body as the calorie content increases by a significant percentage which is likely to result in diseases like obesity. Most of the food that Spurlock ate at the restaurant had a high content of sugar. The movie indicates that almost a third of the Spurlock’s calories came from the sugar which he consumed in the McDonald’s fast foods.To avoid this, he was to stop consuming too much food and ensure that he lives on a proper diet which is healthy for the body. Even though he sometimes eat vegan to please his girlfriend, he consumed it at a less content that had no impact in his body. Vegan is helpful as it has natural sugar which has no adverse effect on the body.

On the contrary, the film does not play well as Spurlock knows the effects of the fast food and still goes on to eat much of it. When he becomes addicted, he suffers all problems which risks his life. He had a choice of eating vegan which he failed to do. His suffering is a result of his negligence which makes him blame fast food for all the problems. This makes the film to be criticized for showing an issue that has a solution, but the actor fails to prevent it. As a result, it is regarded as thought-provoking because it downplays the facts about the impacts of exercise in the reducing calories in the body.

The film employs shock techniques that evoke reactions in the viewers. Liposuction surgery depicted in the movie is a result of his vomiting and had nothing to do with the fast food from McDonald’s restaurant. After suffering all the kinds of problems such as depression, difficulty in breathing, and sexual dysfunction among other issues, he shocks people by stating that he regained his good health in about fourteen months. Similarly contrary to his opinion, the state that fast foods have positive impacts on children’s emotional wellbeing and behavior.

Lastly, Spurlock exaggerates the impacts of fast food on the body. He claims that fast foods are harmful to the body, but he feels comfortable consuming it. This makes many people criticize the film as being not right about the fast foods. He also argues that the fast food industry should not advertise the products so much hence reducing the sale of the products. Eating fast foods and doing a lot of exercises is good as the calories created in the body are burned down thus leaving the body healthy. As a result, arguing against such products will be too bad for the industry as well as the people who depend on the products as their meals. He should leave the people who want to consume to do so because consumption of fast foods is a choice as everybody knows about the effects. This makes people have an emotional response to problems of fast food such as obesity.

Conclusively, super size me is a movie that depicts fast food as hurting human health. It depicts fast food as the cause of health problems such as obesity, heart diseases and vision impairment among others. As a result, it is an eye opener to many people as it gives the side effect of eating fast foods. Many people are arguing against the film as they say it is not fair in its play because the staring knows the side effects of the fast food and he is still okay with it. He also argues that there should be a reduction in the advertisement for fast food which makes people criticize the film. Despite the criticism, the movie is still useful as it educates the people by giving insight into the effects of consuming fast food. The film should be spread among the people to ensure that the chances of these problems reduce among the people. Through this, there will be expansion in the lifespan of the people.

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