System design

Use case diagram

This visual aid modeling language is developed based on the object-oriented techniques that merge the information system management of the logistics and Maintenance Company to analyze data, system, and design both the system and database during the analysis stage. The use case diagram is used to establish the logical and physical database models and the theme database. The chart describes the accomplishment of a user’s goal through the system. A use case diagram is made up of the system, the actors; related use cases and connects all these through visualization. This projects’ use case diagram depicts the interactions of the essential elements of the web-based vehicle maintenance system. The layout signifies the methodology applied in the identification, clarification and the organization of the vehicle requirements by the maintenance system.  The actors involved in the maintenance cycle in this projects use case diagram include the admin, staff, and the customers. These main actors perform a different function or use cases such as keeping records of the cars maintenance, managing the oil usage lead the driver, maintain the customer and perform all system operations that attributes to the vehicle maintenance system. Through capturing all the requirements from the applicants’ point of view, a correct system is build up to encapsulate the users of the system and the aims achieved through system description.

The use case diagram in this project shows a set of sequences that depict possible outcomes when the users and the system interact. Also, it defines the attributes necessary for implementation and the resolution reached in case an error occurs. A higher level view on the network is attained on the drilling action of the use case diagram by analyzing the scenarios and the events flow and simplify its representation in graphical output. The characteristics exhibited by the use case are organization of the functional prerequisite, model the user/system interactions goals and describe the main events and the alternative paths chosen as well. This paper ensures that the characteristics displayed by the diagram are incorporated in the system design to give a clear depiction of the relationship between the actors and the use cases in the maintenance system. Firstly the Admin entity has use cases such as managing the history of the vehicle, manage vehicle properties, monitor the oil tank, control the booking schedule, and maintain the type of the car and the customer. Secondly, the other actor involved is the customer; the use cases available for the customers are viewing of invoices, booking the car and making payments. Others include the continuous monitoring of lubricant changes, the fuel type used by specific models, the engine and the year of manufacture. The other actor involved is the staffs that have specified use cases such as add vehicle to the booking category, create work orders, collect payments anticipated and finally view the vehicle status and update on the vehicles history log. Eventually, the system boundary is highly considered due to its ability to define the coverage of the system and how it relates to the outside world. The web-based vehicle maintenance system has boundaries defined such as outlining all the duties of all actors in the use case diagram, therefore, prevents overlapping of information.

The ease in understanding the use case diagrams have presented a streamlined way of communication between the staffs, admins, and customers in the VMS. The communication language strikes a clear idea of addressing the customer’s issues without fear of data loss or an encounter with irregularities due to the history stored in the vehicle’s database. In the diagram above, the use case is natural and the communication set between the admin, the customer and the staffs have channels set with the exact direction the arrow points to represents the commands executed by different actors in the system. These communication channels, therefore, set a clear understanding of operations and attributes. Also, the complexity of the web-based VMS was simplified by the approach the use case diagram takes. From analyzing the data from the user’s perspective, it divided the project into smaller portions or problem into the use cases set, and this sets a specification in their application. The assigning of tasks to various actors specifies the commands to be handled and further partition the project to a visualized stage that directs the functions to be handled logically. The availability of a traceable link is advantageous in the project because the continuous history tacking and project development are displayed and implemented by delivering the set-out goals from the customers’ point of view.

The project, however, can be limited if the use cases are used contrary to the display of the interaction between the system and users done at high levels. This VMS project, therefore, was built using use cases modeled in diagrams that depicted simplicity through the defined channels and keeping the figure low to prevent erosion of the effect created. Allowing flexibility in the updates of the user requirements at later stages, enable the user to engage the system without fear of the network crashes. Another disadvantage lies in the extensibility of the system. The driving component becomes a limitation when it creates slavery to the current tasks decreasing the task performance. This project eliminates this problem by setting the needs changes addressed only by the user.

In conclusion, this project has presented a unified idea in the use of use case diagrams in the development of the vehicle maintenance system. The systems in place with a simplified architecture ensures that data is distributed and stored in real-time using GPS units and device component such as the sensors that pick up the changes in the condition of the car. Therefore, these diagrams allow a more accessible and possible view of how the system adapts the natural environment with proper coverage of all the vehicle parts to enable communication from one component to another directed in real-time and balances during radial coverage issues. As it is displayed in the web-based vehicle maintenance system, the reliability and robustness in managing data are attained by creating a communication network in real-time allowing secure coverage of the outcomes of the road adventures and reduce costs incurred since the root cause of the problem has been identified.