Taking a Depression Test

I took the depression test. It is a tool that is used for screening, monitoring and diagnosing depression. It is a 9-question survey. The questions are based on main depressive symptoms like lack of enough sleep, lack of appetite, communication, and problem-solving skills.  The user establishes the severity of the symptoms by putting scores on the index.  Apart from the 9-question survey, there are follow-up questions which are also used in determining the depressive problems in the patient and how they have negatively impacted the user’s day-to-day function. Anyone above 18 years can use the Depression tool.

I feel that the questions were valid because they reflect the common depressive symptoms. Depression is a mental health condition that leads one to feel sad or moody frequently. It interferes with the normal function of an individual, impairs their ability to have healthy interactions in social set-ups, and in severe conditions, leads to suicidal thoughts. All these factors have been reflected in the survey and follow-up questions. The first survey question was on having little or no pleasure in doing things.  The second question inquires if the user continually feels depressed and the third questions inquires on how frequent the user feels tired. The ninenth questions enquires if the user feels that he/she would rather be dead or hurt self.  The results are highly accurate because they are confirmed through the indication on the index which shows the presence of depressive symptom and the follow-up questions which are used to establish the weight of the extent to which the symptoms have interfered with the user’s normal functioning.

The strength of the tool in testing the severity of depression is that it has a variety of questions in two sections. Also, it is useful as the first step in one seeking help if they have depression. The nine questions of the survey are based on the severity of depressive symptoms. The follow-up questions help in diagnosing the conditions based on other factors like other conditions that have affected the user. According to research, some health conditions like diabetes and other mental illnesses like Bipolar Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder contribute to depression in an individual.  Thus, without the follow-up questions, the tool may not give accurate information.

The test is too general and may not be effective when applied to everyone. The instructions on the test show that it should only be used by people who are above eighteen years.  However, the population that is above eighteen years is broad and varied based on demographic features and level of income. For example, while depression affects both men and women, research shows that the prevalence is higher among women because of hormonal, biological, and other cultural factors. Thus, the test should have provisions where the user could indicate own status of biological, hormonal, and social factors to help in the accurate interpretation of the results. Similarly, the prevalence of depression among the low-income population is higher than either middle or high income.

I have learnt that the tool might be helpful to someone with a mental disorder by showing the severity of depression and help in informing judgment on seeking professional help. While it may be useful in diagnosing depression, it is accurate in identifying a person who has depressive symptoms.  The severity of the results helps into one seeking the services of a mental health professional who will assist in establishing if the symptoms are related to depression or other related mental health conditions like bipolar or anxiety.


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