Talent Pipeline

Organizations have always been competitive for talent. With the increased competition in the market, every organization is looking to be better than the other players in the industry. There are those employees who are trained but not talented but there are those who are trained but also talented. The demand of such employees is always high (Gandz, 2006). In future, the organizations will still compete for talent sine the competition in labor market will still exist.

To remain competitive, organizations need to have both internal and external talent pipelines. It is clear from the trends in the market that organizations are always in need of new talent to fill a vacant position from promotion or retirement or reassignment. It is thus important to have an internal and external pool of talent. An internal pool is advantageous in that it takes less time to orient a promoted employee than it is for a newly employed employee. However, organizations ca not always depend on the internal talent since they also need various experiences in different fields (Gandz, 2006). Consider a consultant firm. If it earned a multi million contract, it would have to utilize both the internal and external talent.

There are several principles that should form the basis for building a talent pipeline. A major principle is to recognize that talent management is a core business of the organization.  The leadership management should d stay engaged with talent management. Another principle is to align the talents with the business strategy (Hoole, 2015). It is important to identify the high potentials. Organizations should identify top talents and work to maintain them. Organization should align their talent pipelines to their talent management initiatives by making sure that talent management is a core business in the organization.


Gandz, J. (2006). Talent development: the architecture of a talent pipeline that works. Ivey Business Journal, 70(3), 1-4.

Hoole, A. (2015). Core Principles of a Sustainable Talent Pipeline. Dav.co.za. Retrieved 8 July 2016, from http://www.dav.co.za/blog/2015/08/03/core-principles-of-a-sustainable-talent-pipeline/

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