Teaching Methodology: Class Management

Teaching Methodology: Class Management

Eyster, R.H., & Martin, C. (2010). Successful Classroom Management: Real-world, Time-tested Techniques for the Most Important Skill Set Every Teacher Needs. Illinois: Sourcebooks Inc.

The 2010 source highlights the importance of classroom management when teaching whereby real teaching is an important method used by a teacher to manage a class. An excellent teacher takes full charge of the teaching process in the classroom and ensures that students are attentive and following the lesson correctly.  For instance, a good teacher should move around the class to in the first few minutes he/she enter class before an experience starts to check and see students have turned to the subject and are on the correct page. Also, a teacher should conduct a regular check on the assignment given and how every student has organized work. Again a teacher should ensure that statements are clarified comprehensively using examples to provide a learner understands fully. The author also discovered that a teacher could recognize a student either negatively, positively or personally. Rewards can appreciate those students who score highly and those active in class while negative behavior in students recognized through actions such as absenteeism during learning, thus such kind of students should be guided and counseled to understand the importance of attending classes in the learning process. Generally, I found that class management is vital for the creation of a favorable learning environment.

Eisenman, G., Edwards, S., & Cushman, C. A. (2015). Bringing reality to classroom management in teacher education. The Professional Educator, 39(1), 1-12. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.worwic.idm.oclc.org/docview/1691409092?accountid=15136

The article explores the dynamics and importance of class management and the role of the teacher in teaching. The author delves into how a beginner teacher experiences challenges in managing class properly for the active learning process. Class management by a teacher is paramount as compared with behavior control for a student.

Furthermore, the article explains the importance of evaluating teachers’ management practices about real-world. Sometimes classroom management is perceived as a behavior rather than focusing on the impact it causes to a student. The article uses a short movie to elaborate on classroom management through five activities namely; observation protocol, microteaching,movie study, animated video, and personnel management system development. The five actions show a range of issues such as class behavior problems, how to deal with class issues etc.Generally, the article helps a future teacher to test on class management activities to improve on weak areas.

Sieberer- Nagler K (2015). Effective Classroom Management and Positive Teaching.English language teaching. 9(1) 163

The article emphasizes the importance of classroom management in the learning process. An excellent class management skills result in high performance and output, and this brings a teacher respect. Also, the article explores the innovative means of handling classroom management challenges and also how to convert a negative behavior into a positive one. Generally, the author focuses on class management as the only way an educator becoming effective. Again the author points at the contemporary mistakes in class management  and how the errors can be corrected.

Kaur, P., &Ranu, S. K. (2017).Classroom management concerning the professional commitment of secondary school teachers. Educational Quest, 8(1), 193-199. doi:http://dx.doi.org.worwic.idm.oclc.org/10.5958/2230-7311.2017.00029.0

Kaur and Ranu article explore the professional commitment for secondary school teachers in class management.

Furthermore, the article uses survey data done in 500 secondary schools on their classroom management. Again, good class management requires professional commitment, which should be practiced and learned by all teachers. The author says that class management achieved through proficiency, learning, and engagement, therefore class management is not a gift or talent . Commitment involves a lot including belief and loyalty for an organization, job involvement, and general emotionalattachment to the organization. The article examines the relationship between the two variable class management  and professional commitment of rural, urban secondary school teacher. The link between the two variables features across. Finally, a teacher’s professional responsibility is vital in student learning as it influences the class and makes management easy.

Pellegrino, A. (2010). Pre-service teachers and classroom authority. American Secondary Education, 38(3), 62-78. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.wwwproxy0.library.unsw.edu.au/docview/722356586?accountid=12763

The article examines the five pre-service secondary school teachers and how they face challenges in establishing deal class management ad this potentially affects the learning environment. The author emphasizes the importance of class management by a teacher to create a conducive learning environment. Again the author suggests of a teacher application of a legal/rational type of authority to control a class. The author highlights the problems that student teachers undergo during their placement. Finally, the article findings are that teachers usually revert to the charismatic or traditional type of class management. As depicted in the manner teachers assume the role of “cool” teachers and take teacher-oriented class management as compared to the student center.



Sieberer- Nagler K (2015). Effective Classroom Management and Positive Teaching.English language teaching. 9(1) 163

Pellegrino, A. (2010). Pre-service teachers and classroom authority. American Secondary Education, 38(3), 62-78. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.wwwproxy0.library.unsw.edu.au/docview/722356586?accountid=12763

Kaur, P., &Ranu, S. K. (2017).Classroom management in relation to the professional commitment of secondary school teachers. Educational Quest, 8(1), 193-199. doi:http://dx.doi.org.worwic.idm.oclc.org/10.5958/2230-7311.2017.00029.0

Eisenman, G., Edwards, S., & Cushman, C. A. (2015). Bringing reality to classroom management in teacher education. The Professional Educator, 39(1), 1-12. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.worwic.idm.oclc.org/docview/1691409092?accountid=15136

Eyster, R.H., & Martin, C. (2010). Successful Classroom Management: Real-world, Time-tested Techniques for the Most Important Skill Set Every Teacher Needs. Illinois: Sourcebooks Inc.

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