Teams at the Workplace

Question 1

While working on a team, I have identified various strengths and weaknesses that I possess. Among the strengths are favorable communication skills. This aspect has always been helpful while conveying a message since the recipient usually gets the desired information. Apart from relaying the message in the desired manner, my ability to listen is also commendable. Another prevalent strength is the aspect of dependability. This means that I am usually on time with things that are expected of me and this makes it easy for the other team members. I have received compliments in the past due to my showing of responsible prospects. I also view the aspect of being flexible as strength within the relevant team. This is because I can easily learn new duties and transition between tasks. This aspect comes in handy when there are cases of absenteeism, and there is a need for someone to fill up for them. On the other hand, my greatest weakness in a team is working with lazy people. I normally find it difficult to entertain them due to the inconveniences that they cause to the team. There are some tasks that require every member’s contribution for the work to move forward. It becomes irritating when other people have to keep waiting due to another person’s incompetence. That is why I prefer working with aggressive team members.

Question 2

While working in a team, I have never engaged in social loafing. Among the reasons is because I like giving the best in activities that I am involved with. Doing my best brings some level of satisfaction as I can go home feeling happy since I have done something fruitful with my time. Doing the best also means that the prospect of achieving success in the activity at hand is high. This is because my spirit might be contagious and motivate even those that were being involved without employing the desired effort. Another reason why I do not indulge in social loafing is because it might end up being culture cultivated dip within you. It might end up being a norm and bring some levels of laxity even when you are being involved with individual tasks. This might be detrimental to an individual’s career as it will hinder prospects of attaining promotions.

Question 3

Working effectively on a team might result in an advantage at the workplace. When employees are effective, it usually means that they are working optimally. Optimal functioning of employees means that people will bring the best that they have on the table (Alnuaimi et al., 2010). People usually have different traits and strengths. While working effectively, these strengths will emanate, and they will be merged into working on a similar activity.  As a result, the productivity levels will be high, and the end result will be pleasing to everyone. While working effectively, the concepts of creativity and learning are fostered too. This is because creativity tends to thrive when individuals work together effectively. This is due to the brainstorming prospects that are involved. They help in the eradication of stale viewpoints, which are usually prevalent when people work as individuals (Alnuaimi et al., 2010). Team members tend to learn from their colleagues based on what they see. When people are effective, they can be of great inspiration to the others. Keen colleagues will be ready to leverage on shared knowledge as it helps in learning of varied skills. All these aspects result in a workplace that is highly creative. This tends to boost the innovation prospects of the organization in the process. As a result, the organization can establish a competitive advantage from this embodiment.


Question 4

Groups normally develop through five stages. These stages include storming, forming, performing, norming and adjourning. The forming stage usually comes first. This is the stage where the group starts to learn about how it will operate, what is acceptable and what is expected (Rushmer, 2013). Most of the members are not comfortable at this stage and hence their sharing prospect is limited. It is of great significance for the team leader to be clear on the relevant goals to ensure every member has a clear direction. Storming comes in as the second stage. This is where the members start to work together. This stage is usually characterized by a power struggle. As the members become comfortable, they will be prompted to challenge each other (Rushmer, 2013). The facilitator ought to maintain boundaries, showcase compassionate leadership, give everyone the chance to express themselves while requiring everyone to remain respectful and productive.

This is then followed by the norming stage. At this stage, the group starts to become enjoyable and fun most of the time. The interactions become easier, more productive and cooperative. This is usually enhanced by open communication, mutual respect, bonding and balanced give and take (Rushmer, 2013). At this stage, the stress and emotional levels are back to normal since the members have adapted to the new responsibilities.  The members also recognize the leader’s authority and hence heed his/her directions. At the performing stage, the group has already mastered how to work in partnership. This helps the team members to progress towards the desired goals quite rapidly (Rushmer, 2013). Here, the group requires very little supervision from the leader. The adjourning stage is usually the last stage. It is more of a bitter-sweet moment since this is where the group is disbanded. However, this stage marks the successful completion of the task or activity at hand.

Question 5

The effectiveness of the team members has the ability to influence the development process of the group. When the members are less effective it would take a lot of time to move from one stage to the other (Alnuaimi et al., 2010). A good example is where the team members are not effective in the storming stage. Being effective here means having the ability to move past the power struggle that is usually prevalent. In case the team members are egomaniacs, this would deter their effectiveness. This is because no one will want to subdue to the other and therefore the power struggle would persist for an undesirable period. This would make it difficult to actualize the norming stage where the stress levels subside, and everyone starts to co-exist with the other members in the desired manner. Therefore, lack of effectiveness would make it difficult to move from one stage to the other hence hindering the development process in the group.



Alnuaimi, O., Robert, L., & Maruping, L. (2010). Team Size, Dispersion, and Social Loafing in Technology-Supported Teams: A Perspective on the Theory of Moral Disengagement. Journal Of Management Information Systems, 27(1), 203-230.

Rushmer, R. (2013). How do we measure the effectiveness of team building? Is it good enough? Team Management Systems ‐ a case study. Journal Of Management Development, 16(2), 93-110.

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