The classical school of criminology

The classical school of criminology

According to the classical school of thought, people make choices when committing crimes. People are rational, and pleasures and pain derive the behavior of human beings. Individuals commit crimes if the benefits or the comforts that they will receive from the commission of the crime are more than the punishment that they receive from performing the offenses. The offenders act rationally by committing crimes which are within their control. The school believes that regulations and government control influence the conduct of the offenders.

Additionally, all people are capable of justifying their behaviors

According to the classical theory, the remedies for the prevention of crimes is through the establishment of sentences and punishing them harshly for the commission of the crimes. The punishments should be higher than the benefits that the gains that the offenders receive from the criminal acts. The concept of the classical perspective is significant to various legal systems.

Positive school of criminology

According to the positive perspective, criminals are born with their criminal mind and that they are not nurtured to become criminals. The positivist theory further stipulates that nature the individual is the one that makes him or her commit a crime and the nurturing that one receives does not lead to criminal propensities. The causes of illegal activities are not within the control of criminals. Also, government control does not influence the conduct of offenders. The theory believes that the determinants of criminal behavior in individuals result from environmental, biological, and psychological factors which are not within the co0ntrol of the individual.   According to the positive school of criminology, dealing with the root causes of crimes is the only tool for stopping the offense.

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