The Court System Culture · Beliefs and behavior that shape how things occur · Communal: Collective action, teamwork · Networked: Inclusion and coordination that help with collaboration · Hierarchical: Help with order and efficiency Recommendations for maintaining and improving effectiveness in the courts · Use of fairer charging and sentencing approaches · Ensuring accountability and credibility Making procedural documents accessible in digital form (Ostrom & Hanson, 2013) Fastening the trial procedures The United States court system embraces a culture that increases its effectiveness and efficiency. The culture is communal, networked and hierarchical which implies that it embraces collective action which saves time while allowing for Collaboration. The hierarchical culture ensures that rules and procedures are systematically followed enabling quality of service (Ostrom & Hanson, 2013). The system has proved to be quite efficient in its operations over the years hence the need for measures to ensure that the effectiveness is maintained. The first recommendation is ensuring the accountability and credibility of the system. Liability is an essential measure in the maintenance of trust with the community. The maintenance of public confidence occurs through means such as ensuring transparency in interrogation and making justice easily accessible. The second recommendation is the use of fairer charging and sentencing approaches. On the other hand, effectiveness in the court system has to be improved. One of the suggestions for improving efficiency is ensuring that procedural documents are accessible in digital form. The plan will make the system more efficient as the papers will be available for the public and lawyers. The final recommendation is the fastening of trials which can be implemented by having two-thirds of lighter cases process in no more than a month. References Ostrom, B., & Hanson, R. (2013). Understanding and Diagnosing Court Culture. Virginia: National Center for State Courts.