The global nursing shortage

The global nursing shortage has currently adversely affected global health systems. Nurses are recognized as essential professionals who care for the people in their most vulnerable life. Nursing is regarded as a rewarding career, but at the same time sometimes it can be emotionally taxing with unpredictable situations leading to a struggle by employees to fill the roles.

Effects of the global nursing shortage

The widespread shortage in nursing has adversely impacted the provision of quality healthcare among people from society. An increased deterioration in the career of nursing as a result of the deficit results to numerous nurses to reconsider position in other professions and to leave healthcare. Due to the poor working conditions, a massive strike is likely to happen in the future administrations. The associated effect of the shortage is the reduced capacity of nurses who can effectively play their roles. The challenge has exacerbated since the remaining nurses are not being appraised and trained to use the technology. The few skilled nurses who can use technology are not enough to match the healthcare needs in particular healthcare institutions.

Effect on the UN Millennium Development

UN Millennium development encourages the development of the economy by providing quality healthcare to the people. The shortage hence results in a reduction in the number of healthcare professionals who can increase life expectancy and improve on the peoples’ quality of life.

Nursing ideas, values, and beliefs on policy agenda

Nurses are expected to have policies significant in diligent decision making. Through their values, advocacy skills, and professional ethics, there has been an increased growth towards the presence of nurses, who can influence the healthcare policies. The existing systems in healthcare nursing require nurses to have collaborative work performance so that professional development is made possible among the nurses. Power and confidence are needed to be a good manager and control all the health care programs.

When policy can dictate treatment options

Policy can dictate treatments mostly when there is a difference in the agreement between physicians and the patient on the kind of treatment that should be provided. There are also circumstances when the care goals should change to supportive measures only. The physicians are also able to use the policy to determine when an additional treatment can be medically futile and then decide to explore relevant options of care.

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