In conclusion, the imposition of colonialism on Guinea altered its economic growth. Before colonialism the West African countries were advancing in the area of trade, and as a result, it attracted significant colonies; France and Portuguese who were after the economic opportunities in Africa. In the country Guinea precisely, the main economic activity before the era of colonialism was the slave trade where they sold slaves to work in the European fields. The colonial period in Guinea began with the penetration of the French Military into the area in the mid-19th century. Guinea was flourishing was minerals, oils, agricultural products, and tourist attraction activities. , and they resolved to pursue them by encouraging the development infrastructure, cash crop agriculture system, and tourist attraction sites including Soumba cascade located at the foot of Mount.
This research employing both the use of secondary and primary sources of data collection found that the colonial era brought with it economic development in Guinea. Evidenced by the economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product, this study found that colonialism impacted positively on the economic development of Guinea on the years following independence. The results from the research indicate a continuous rise in the Gross Domestic Product of Guinea since the year 1958 when the country gained independence. These results show that colonialism led to the subsequent growth of the economy of Guinea because they were able to exploit the unexploited resources such as agriculture and tourist activities. The French built roads and other forms of infrastructure leading to the areas that were dependent on agriculture and mineral production, while the Portuguese concentrated mainly with the development of tourist attraction sites including the Soumba cascade located at the foot of Mount