The Meaning of Life

In looking at the meaning of life, the author has presented deferent theories, and some seem to make sense while some do not. One of the assumptions that I found to be sensible is the theistic theory. Perhaps the reason that this theory is making much sense is that of the background or being brought up religiously. Based on this theory one’s life has a meaningful purpose which is to serve God. The religious view is that God brings one onto earth to help him. Therefore, the individuals that live their life’s on this earth without serving God and not achieving the purpose that God gave them. However, there are still some people that have often tried to dispute this fact by arguing that there is much other reason for life than serving a supreme being. However, from a personal perspective, I would tend to agree that there is much more to life than the physical things. Perhaps there is a spiritual purpose that ensures that you are alive.

The other theory that seemed to present a more convincing argument is the theory of human progress. The proponents of these theories argue that the purpose of man come when they have the freedom to make choices. In the past generation, man lived in societies where the only person that was free was the king. In such a society people were not able to make personal choices, and thus they did not have a purpose rather than doing what the king instructs. However, of the generations, humans have learned the value of living a life of freedom. Therefore the focus of society has often revolved around giving people the freedom to make choices. I agree with this view that the value of life is in the decisions one makes. However, in making thee choices there should not be any compulsions that seem to push one into making them. It should be something that one can think of and have a personal conviction of taking these choices. It is at this point that one gets the chance to set purposes in life and work towards achieving it. In the cases that people are under the control of others that make the choices for them, then it might make sense to argue that these people do not have a purpose in life. The purpose should be the inner drive that gives one some sense of direction and self-worth.

There is a purpose to life. One cannot say that they live for the moment. There is some inner drive that would often seek to drive one towards achieving some goal in life. However, the view about the source of these drives might depend on the background that one comes from. While there are those that think of the purpose from religions view, there is other that would tend to think of it from the societal perspective. Depending on the opinions that one has, it is evident that all of them would arise at the idea that life has a purpose. The author here presents a different argument on the view of life and its purpose. One thing that emerges is that they all help in showing the idea that life has a purpose while some of the theories help to explain the issue of life some seem even to cast more confusion.

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