The Military

The military is strict on the ethical codes of standards just like any other credible institution.

Since the military is responsible for the security of the whole nation, integrity among the staff is critical.

The soldiers have to check their character to ensure discipline whether on or off duty.

Integrity is included in the Seven Core Army Values which determine what entails being a soldier.

Lack of integrity in the force undermines the obligation of the soldier to military and the nation in general.

  • In the military, trust and loyalty are vital.
  • Failure to uphold integrity results in consequences such as punishment, stripping of ranks or dismissal.
  • It imperative for the soldiers to do the right things in the absence of supervision since that is what is expected of them.
  • The soldiers should learn from their previous mistakes and strive to avoid committing the same mistakes.

Integrity is a valuable lesson taught as part of the Basic Combat Training (BCT) to shape the integrity of the soldiers and ensure that they stick to the accepted codes of conduct

  • Primarily, honesty encompasses paying attention and adhering to the rule and principles of the military corps.
  • The stringent laws and regulations of the armed forces ensure discipline of the soldiers and serve as an example to the citizens driven by the love for their country.
  • The honesty of the forces requires the knowledge of their mistakes and a focus on their self improvement.
  • For the Marine Corps, the “JJ. DID TIE BUCKLE” (justice, judgment, dependability, initiative, decisiveness, tact, integrity, enthusiasm, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty and endurance) considers integrity one of the vital leadership traits.
  • The army works as a team, and hence the success is dependent on the collaborative efforts of every soldier that is built on trust.
  • Integrity brings honesty and improves the rapport between the team and will facilitate the execution of missions.
  • The senior officers such as Sergeant majors are not interested in the performance of members but of the group (Mileham, 2017).
  • All soldiers must strive to develop honesty by sticking to the moral principles requiring people to be honest and truthful regardless of whether they are on duty or leave.
  • Despite the remarkable ethical reforms, the United States Army has witnessed a predicament of institutional integrity in the few years.
  • Technological advancements in information technology has changed the way the army fights wars as well as how they collect data.
  • Communication channels such as the use papers, radios, and telephones to communicate face physical and other barriers on how much data that can be requested, collected, and analyzed.
  • The analog world is labor-intensive which limits the profusion of information because a single paper has to move throughout the bureaucratic system.
  • With the technological innovations, the army can accommodate any amount of data instantaneously and ensure timely reporting through the use of the internet (Dimant, Krieger, & Meierrieks, 2017).
  • careerism is another reason for the erosion of integrity in the military which has become rampant after wars.
  • The military has a lower demand for officers due to the end of wars.
  • Therefore, soldiers need perfect scores to join the force.
  • Officers may report failures to attain perfect scores on the compulsory requirements. Although the action is ethically correct, it may destroy ones career.
  • comprehensive reporting procedures may erode a person`s integrity and promote respect to a faction culture referred to as the Army’s way of doing things.


  • Young military leaders have a mandate to react to the unrestrained demands of combat time tasks.
  • The officers develop a moral hesitation to care for soldiers by putting more emphasis on combat time tasks.
  • The hesitation has rationalized making ethical conciliation for bureaucratic compliance requirements.
  • Some of the decisions made by the leaders during war such as failing to care for the soldiers sue to time tasks compromise their integrity.
  • The American army has fought extensive and agonizing wars with bravery, pliability, and a high level of professionalism developing high level of public confidence.
  • As a result, cases of military indiscipline, war crimes and false reporting to public officials have been rare.
  • The military ethical issues have become less noticeable and observable than those that compounded the army after the Vietnam War due to the public perception of the military.
  • However, the current ethical issues can be detrimental to the belief in the army.
  • The military conducts its operations through Mission Command.
  • However, ethical erosion plus extensive reporting requirements weakened the work of Mission Command.
  • Decentralization of power and increasing the responsibilities of junior officers increases the frequency of false and inaccurate reports.
  • False reporting undermines the foundation of trust among the soldiers which forms the basis of Mission Command.
  • Integrity is a crucial element in the Army as it helps build and maintain trust between soldiers.
  • The training of officers should instil the values of honesty which builds trust and integrity among the military.
  • Technological advancements and poor reporting channels undermine integrity.
  • The military has however gained public confidence due to the bravery and success in various wars.