The Moroccan Woman and Their position in the Society

The Moroccan Woman and Their position in the Society

In the book The Year of the elephant, the author seems to take a focus on many issues and most importantly colonialism and post-colonialism. However, one of the most important themes that seem to come out in this story is the role of women and how it has changed in the Moroccan society from the pre-colonial times to the post-colonial period. Many issues seem to have turned as the Moroccan women sought to redefine their position in the community.

One of the things that the author seem to bring up is the experience that Zahra. Zahra gets into active involvement in the resistance just by chance. In one of the evening when she was running away with her husband from the French Army, she ends up to be part of the resistance. Soon she gets involved in several things including the distribution of literature and collection of fund and even organization of strikes. Through this experience, she gets some empowerment and learns that she as the role to play in the changing of the society. Through her involvement, she can inspire other women and make them realize that they have to shift their view and focus on their role in the community (10).

Therefore, the role and the position of women changed from the pre-colonial and moving the post-colonial era. One of the significant chances that the society experienced is that women realized that they have a place in making decisions about the future and the traditional gender roles (9). The involvement of Zahra and other women the resistance opened up an opportunity for women to move from focusing on the traditional gender roles and they started getting to understand that they can make a considerable contribution to their society. There was a transformation of the view of women, who they are and what position they have in the community moving into the post-colonial era. Women realized that they can take leadership roles and that they cannot only be confined within the home setting.




Zayd, L. A., &Fernea, E. W. (1989). Year of the elephant: a Moroccan woman’s journey toward independence. University of Texas Press.

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