The No Father’s Club

The No Father’s Club by Tomoyuki Hoshino is a fascinating story set in contemporary Japan.As the story starts a gathering of young men are playing soccer, just that there is no ball. They supply one with their creative abilities. Before long, the young men discover they have something different missing in their lives, a father.  The young men and young women of the area structure a No Fathers Club.

However, it has not been long enough that the membership of the Father No Club took a sharp dive. People started to drop out or quit, giving reasons like “I am busy with my Job,” and “My schedule is full with school activities,” “My father is sick.”  The truth is that they were starting to get tired of the false father game. The club had now only two members, Jōji and Kurumi probably because they were dating, had a deep connection together and their shared strong realness of their fathers. Moreover, Jōji thought that his relationship with Kurumi was one of the reasons why jealous members left the club.

As Jōji and Kurumi continue to discuss their fathers, Jōji had to force himself to talk to his father alone at home for meeting with Kurumi’s father. That created a profound relation between Jōjiand his father, who could slap him now. However, in comparison with their respective relationships with their father, Kurumi’s father seemed more grounded, more real than Jōji’s or perhaps she was just more committed to her father. Additionally, different moments suggest that Jōji’s father existence is firmly connected to his relation with Kurumi.

When Kurumi shook her head that she does not talk to her father anymore, she has not let her ideal and imaginary father go. Kurumi, with her reply to Jōji, meant to state that she would prefer her relation with her father than Jōji’s for the rest of her life.


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