The self-management assessment

For the self-management assessment, I scored 138 out of 175 which is an average score. This score means that my self-management skills are uneven which is as a result of lack of balance between discipline about studying and exercise. This inconsistency in self-management skills is detrimental to the expected results. Therefore, it is important that I focus on balancing the two areas identified and practice the skills in different aspects of my life so as to gain experience in self-management and improve on the areas that scored the lowest points in the assessment.

I scored low scores from some questions which resulted in an overall low score for the self-management assessment. First, I dwell too much on the unpleasant things about an exercise rather than focusing on an activity as a whole which results in low productivity. Also, I deal with life as it comes. Therefore, I do very minimal planning for the future and make decisions that are not well-thought. Planning is one of the most crucial skills that a manager should possess as it helps in averting problems that arise due to lack of planning and making decisions that are made without thinking ahead.

One of the ways I can improve my self-management score and skills is to identify my goals for a particular event and then divide the goal into small activities that will lead to its achievement. For instance, rather than setting aside a whole day to arrange the basement, it is easier to divide whole activity into small portions such as arranging the drawers on the first day then arranging the tools the farm tools on the second day and finalizing with cleaning the floor and the walls.

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