The Technological Industry

The technology industry is the most advancing in this digital era. Technological companies such as Apple Inc and IBM are innovating new products and services with the advancement in technology. However, the major thing about all the companies is that they are looking to be more productive. However, in these companies, labor the single most important element. Machines do not invent themselves; humans invent and program the machines (Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, & Hitt, 1999). Just like the health sector that depends largely on the health service providers for productivity, the technology sector also depends on the innovative power of the employees.

To maximize on profits, costs must be minimized. This means controlling mainly the number of employees who are the major element in the cost element of productivity. Technology companies must make efficient decisions about employee’s number. However, a company does not just wake up and decide to control staffing. This is done by use of numbers.

There are similar goals in the health sector and the technology industry. The major goal is profit maximization. Every business in any sector is looking to increase productivity translated in increased profits. The technology sector depends largely on the employees for productivity. Maximizing profits runs hand in hand with minimizing costs. A company can increase profits by increasing productivity or reducing costs. It is important for technology companies to maintain a stable relationship between labor and productivity.

Another similar goal is optimal staffing to ensure high productivity. A technological company depends on innovation of products and services to remain competitive in the market. Being competitive requires high integrity and good leadership. The productivity will not depend on larger pool of employees or a smaller poll; rather it depends on the optimal number and range of employees.

Optimal staffing will ensure maintenance of costs and high productivity. A t4chnological company requires different types of employees with different capabilities and education background. These employees must be well marched to ensure efficiency. Another similar goal is minimize labor cost, maximize profitability, and maintain service levels (Maskey, 2015). Minimizing labor costs will increase the profitability. With good productivity, a company can be able to offer better quality services.

However, the results of both the health sectors and the technology industry might be different. This is because the technology industry depends largely on innovation while the health sector depends largely on quality service. The two sectors want to maximize profits but the through minimum costs and high productivity but this will be achieved differently.

Another difference is that the health sector requires a higher number of employees for quality service as opposed to technology sector, which depends on the innovation power of each employee. A technology company can be productive with only one innovative employee while the health sector cannot depend on one person for quality service.


Bresnahan, T. F., Brynjolfsson, E., & Hitt, L. M. (1999). Information technology, workplace organization and the demand for skilled labor: Firm-level evidence (No. w7136). National bureau of economic research.

Maskey, S. (2015). Understaffing and the real cost: A burning issue. J. Kathmandu Med. Coll.3(4), 129.


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