In this research study, there are various internal and external threats to the validity of the research. One of the threats to the validity of the research resulted from volunteer bias. It is essential when the participants engaged in the research (driving with and without their preferred music), it is expected that they do it voluntarily. This is a critical component of research ethics, but research has indicated that volunteers would not portray similar characteristics as the general population. People can agree to participate in research for a given reason that can influence the way they react during the research. The participants driving the learner vehicles for the study can manipulate how they respond to the research to match their interest.
On the internal threats to validity, one of the threats is the occurrence of events that can affect the result or outcome of the study. Because the research involves making a mistake while driving because of listening to your preferred music, an accident can occur. This can affect the validity of the research.
At the same, there can be a maturation threat. The participants, while driving and listening to music can be distracted by other things such as stress or an eye-catching object to make a mistake. It can then be concluded that it is the music that may have caused the error when that’s not the case. This can affect the result of the study. The fact that the participants know that they are being studied can affect their performance hence affecting the result of the study. Therefore, in this research, there are several threats to internal and external validity that can affect its validity as described above.
Klink, R. R., & Smith, D. C. (2001). Threats to the external validity of brand extension research. Journal of marketing research, 38(3), 326-335.
Yu, C. H., & Ohlund, B. (2010). Threats to the validity of research design. Retrieved January 12, 2012.