Travel Motives and Social Media Behaviors

Travel Motives and Social Media Behaviors

Literature Review


Social media has become a crucial tool for communication among individuals and marketing(Hamid, Wee, Hanafia, & Asri, 2016). Businesses are increasingly utilizing social media for marketing and branding purposes. Tours and travel agencies around the globe have taken to social media to market their services and communicate with potential and existing clients(Hamid, Wee, Hanafia, & Asri, 2016). Huaet al. (2017) observe that social has become an essential tool for the selection of travel destinations by individuals interested in traveling. The individuals search and review different travel destination and settle on that which they find more appealing(Hua, Ramayah, Ping, & Hwa, 2017). Travel agencies that can attract individuals who use social media to help make travel decisions get to benefit.

Theories and Models Regarding Travel Motives

Numerous theories and models seek to explain how customers go through the purchasing process(Wijaya, 2015). Many of the models and theories apply to decision making regarding travel. One fundamental model that explains how customers go through the process of purchasing a product or service is called the AIDA model.AIDA is an acronym that refers to attention, interest, desire, and action(Wijaya, 2015). The model was created in 1898 by E. St. Elmo Lewis(Wijaya, 2015). A product or service has to first draw the interest of potential customers, for example, through advertising. Once the attention of a potential client has been aroused, the next step involves endeavoring to maintain their interest concerning a product or service. Marketing, advertising, and the product or service sometimes stimulate the desire to purchase a product or service in the customer. Once desire is aroused, it ought to be transferred to the action of purchasing(Wijaya, 2015). Sun, Cárdenas, and Harrill, (2016) observe that the AIDA model can add a lot of value to marketing in travel agencies and should be used to evaluate the websites and other marketing means that the agencies utilize.

A second model that has application in the travel sector is the benchmarking model. The model is generally used by organizations(Rolstadås, 2013). It involves comparing the processes and performance of an organization with other better performing organizations in their respective industries or outside industries(Rolstadås, 2013). Individuals also use benchmarking. Travel motives at times arise due to individuals comparing their lives with those of peers whom they hold to higher esteem and who happened to travel(Hua, Ramayah, Ping, & Hwa, 2017). Travels agencies ought to take a keen interest in the way benchmarking arouse travel motives and use the knowledge regarding the same to market their marketing materials.People who travel for leisure usually share pictures regarding their travel on social media. The images usually influencesthose around their circle of friends to consider traveling(Sun, Cardenas, & Harrill, 2015). Marketing using the benchmarking approach is likely to attract clients.

Consumer Decision Making Process

Marketers have been keen on understanding how consumers make purchasing decisions, and they use the understanding to market their products or services(Rani, 2014). One of the famous models of consumers decision making has five steps. The first step involves the recognition of a problem or need(Rani, 2014). After a need or problem has been recognized, customers then, according to the model, search for relevant information regarding the goods or services that will aid solve their problem or satisfy their need(Rani, 2014). Thirdly, customers evaluate alternative products or services to determine which suits their needs and is within their budget. After evaluation, the next decision is the purchase of a selected product or service. After purchase, they evaluate their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service or product(Rani, 2014). The model is applicable in the case of customer deciding on travel. They recognize the need to travel, gather relevant information, weigh alternatives, and select the option that they find satisfying.

Developing a Social Media Marketing Communication Plan

As the importance of social media marketing is growing enormously, scholars and experts have created steps to help in developing effective social marketing communication plans. One step is to put together a team of experts on social marketing to work on developing the plan(Kiráľová & Pavlíčeka, 2015). Another step is toanalyze an organization’s current social media presence. A travel agency ought to evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats regarding social marketing(Kiráľová & Pavlíčeka, 2015). A third step is identifying an organization’s target customers. Such identification will inform social marketing approaches. Fourthly, organizations should develop a mission and social marketing goals and objectives(Kiráľová & Pavlíčeka, 2015). It is also crucial to determine the content that will be shared in social media platforms. Fifthly, an organization should deliberate on the tools that will be used to manage social marketing(Kiráľová & Pavlíčeka, 2015). Finally, it is crucial to plan for the monitoring and evaluation of social marketing.

Facebook as a Communication Marketing Tool

Facebook has grown into a vital communication marketing tool for individuals and organizations. Galati et al. (2017) observe that the low cost and effectiveness of Facebook has made the tool an excellent choice for organizations. Organizations can post their content in their accounts, pages, or groups for free. If the organizations want to advertise to more Facebook users, they can pay Facebook to run sponsored advertisements(Galati, Crescimanno, Tinervia, & Fagnani, 2017). One great benefit of using Facebook for communication compared to several traditional means of communication is immediate feedback. Friends, followers, and individuals who have liked an organization’s Facebook page can give feedback regarding a product, service, or issue through comments and among other ways(Galati, Crescimanno, Tinervia, & Fagnani, 2017). One disadvantage of immediate feedback that is visible to the public is that if the feedback is negative or critical to an organization, it can result in bad publicity. Travel organizations should be keen when using Facebook as a communication tool to avoid bad publicity.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness regards informing customers about the existence of a particular brand of services or products(Rani, 2014). Travel organizations need to raise their brands’ awareness to attract more customers to their businesses. Social media marketing in conjunction with other means of marketing and advertising will help in raising brand awareness(Kiráľová & Pavlíčeka, 2015). Understanding more about customers’ decision-making process and social media behavior when they are thinking about traveling will aid travel organizations to position themselves strategically in social media and attract clients. An effective social media marketing plan is critical to the use of the medium with the aim of raising brand awareness(Kiráľová & Pavlíčeka, 2015). Benchmarking on what other organizations that have been successful in social marketing will aid inthe adoption of better strategies. Benchmarking concerning social media marketing is a bit easier as it partly would involve visiting social media platforms of successful organizations and analyzing how they pursue such marketing.


Reviewed research materials reveal that nowadays, social media is playing an essential role in influencing people to travel and in the determination of their travel destinations among other things. People are using social media to gather information regarding travel destinations, amusements to be found in different places among other things. Research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the social media behaviors that people engage in when they get the motivation to travel. This study will investigate the social media behaviors of Vietnamese travelers aged 24-35 who have the motive to travel. The results of the study will have an impact on the marketing of travel on social media.



Galati, A., Crescimanno, M., Tinervia, S., & Fagnani, F. (2017). Social media as a strategic marketing tool in the Sicilian wine industry: Evidence from Facebook. Wine Economics and Policy, 6(1), 40-47.

Hamid, Z. A., Wee, H., Hanafia, M. H., & Asri, N. A. (2016). The effect of social media on tourists’ decision to travel to islamic destination: A case of Malaysia. 3rd International Hospitality and Tourism Conference, IHTC 2016 and 2nd International Seminar on Tourism, ISOT 2016.

Hua, L. Y., Ramayah, T., Ping, T. A., & Hwa, C. J. (2017). Social Media as a Tool to Help Select Tourism Destinations: The Case of Malaysia. Information Systems Management, 34(3), 265-279.

Kiráľová, A., & Pavlíčeka, A. (2015). Development of Social Media Strategies in Tourism Destination. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 175, 358-366.

Rani, P. (2014). Factors influencing consumer behaviour. International journal of current research and academic review, 2(9), 52-61.

Rolstadås, A. (2013). Benchmarking — Theory and Practice. Springer.

Sun, P., Cardenas, D. A., & Harrill , R. (2015). Chinese Customers’ Evaluation of Travel Website Quality: A Decision-Tree Analysis. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(4), 476-497.

Wijaya, B. S. (2015). The Development of Hierarchy of Effects Model in Advertising. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 5(1).


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