Types of Leaders

Question 1

  1. A narcissistic leader is one who is only interested in themselves and tend to prioritize their interests even to the detriment of others, and even tend to be dominant, arrogant and hostile. A Machiavellian leader, on the other hand, is one who is duplicitous, cunning, manipulative and believes the end justifies the means. Examples of narcissistic and Machiavellian leaders include Andy Grove, Winston Churchill, JFK, Hitler and Napoleon. These are leaders that have been there is past an occupied different capacities in their scope of work. Despite them using narcissistic and Machiavellian leadership style, they had some degree of success in their endeavors.
  2. They are narcissistic and Machiavellian leaders. This is because they have traits of leading with vision, consistency, desire to be admired, empire building and competitiveness among others. These styles have helped them to build empires hence acting as an indicator they can be successful in the business world. However, the styles have also left a bitter taste with some people that they have interacted with while doing business.
  3. I think these traits as posed by these leaders are both positive and negative. They are positive since they have helped these leaders achieve great things. They are also negative since these leaders might go to the extent of engaging in unethical or illegal behavior, and this can be their downfall. This is because the styles bring about an aspect of obsession with trying to achieve a given objective. The obsession would make such leaders to step on other people’s toes without any apologies.

Question 2

Aversive is a leadership style that is characterized by threats, reprimand, intimidation and punishment.

  1. Appropriate when all the other styles fail to bring the desired results to the organization. A good scenario is when the management has given directives and rewards with the objectives of actualizing better that that still fails.
  2. When there is need to attract the attention of the employees quickly due to commanding nature of the style. A scenario where a team in the organization is facing a deadline that shows a high possibility of being missed.

Directive leadership style despite it being top-down like the aversive style is expressed through instructions, direction and command.

  1. It is appropriate in a situation where an organization has a limited time to deliver a product or service. A good scenario is when a company is given a short notice to execute a contract and some employees had been given some time off.
  2. It is also appropriate when the leader is more experienced compared to the followers in the organization. A scenario where the person giving these directives has been in the organization for a desired amount of time.

Transactional leadership on the other hand involves influence through dispensation of rewards in exchange of compliance.

  1. The leadership is appropriate when the leader in the organization has control. A favorable scenario when the leader is influential and employees want to associate with him/her through the gifts being given.
  2. It is also appropriate when employees in the organization desire rewards. A scenario where every sales person has an opportunity to win a trip to a desired destination when they achieve a certain benchmark.

Transformational leadership style involves the leader creating a highly absorbing and motivating vision, and then energizing others to pursue the vision.

  1. Appropriate when the leader desires to improve employees’ relations in the organization. A good scenario is when the manager intends to improve communication among the employees.
  2. The style could also be useful when there is crisis in the organization, and high performance is required. A scenario when the business is almost going under and there is need to communicate new visions and objectives to save it.

Empowering leadership entails the leader leading others to lead themselves.

  1. The style is appropriate when employees have the capacity to undertake expanded responsibilities without close direction. A good scenario is when the employees in the company are self-motivated and do not need close supervision to perform.
  2. When there is the need for developing employees’ flexibility and creativity. A scenario where employees are showing high long-term performance and high aspects of self-confidence, innovation and development.

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