Value-Based Health Care

In the past years, the fee for health care services was based on volume-based health care. Meaning, the billing for the health care services was based on the number of services offered. This resultant to pressure from both the government and lobby groups advocating for a change in the health care system. The two organisations lobbied for an enhanced health system with a lower budget and increased access to health services. This necessitated the need to shift from a volume-based structure to a more appropriate health care system. Currently, a structure based on billing for health care services in terms of the value offered, and thus named the value-based health care structure. The structure is aimed at providing the best health care services to clients at the lowest cost possible. Besides, the reimbursement structure has ensured the provision of quality services to health patients and thus being a leading contributor to the significant improvements experienced currently in the health sector.

Impact of Value-Based Structure on the Roles of Advanced Registered Nurses

With the shifting of the health care from volume-based to value-based health care, the new payment structures have led to the need for proper and adequate health services, better patient engagement and management of the health care systems. Therefore, this has led to the expansion of the role and contribution of registered nurses offering primary health care. The system has eased the work of the registered nurses as patients can consult the nurses only through appointments. This has reduced the wait time periods as some of the health care procedures have been, and the advanced nurses handle the cases he or she is specialised in handling. Moreover, with the adoption of the health care system, the nurse’s scope of responsibilities has gradually increased since they are now able to conduct physical examinations, prescribe medicines to patients among other duties. Also, through such structure, the medical records of the patients are also readily available in the advanced health records system.

Trends in Health Care Delivery System

There are various trends expected to impact significantly in the delivery of health care services. Firstly, there are numerous tax reforms scheduled to be passed by the government. The changes will see to it that the corporate tax is reduced and thus will reduce the overall cost of health care services. This will ensure efficient delivery of services in the near future ones the reforms have been passed. Besides, advanced technologies are expected to take centre stage in the provision of health care services. These technologies will enable both the patients and medical practitioners to have easy access to health services. The improved technologies will also ensure efficiency in the delivery of health services. The third trend is personal lifestyle such as poor dieting and increased consumption of alcohol, and poor smoking behaviour are expected to affect the countries delivery of health services. The last trend is both the federal and state policies that continue to change rapidly. Various Acts imposed by the government will have an impact on my practice as I will be forced to adapt to rapid changes every time.

Influence of Advanced Registered Nurses on Health Care

Through collaboration with various lobby groups, nurses have continued to fight for reforms in the health sectors. The reforms have improved the health care system through the provision of better services at reduced costs. Moreover, the advanced nurses have played a significant role in patients care services. In the country, nurses are considered to be the best when it comes to the delivery of prompt and efficient services. Moreover, through their services, the general public has now gained confidence in the country’s health care system. Besides, due to the expertise of the advanced nurses, a lot of lives have been saved.

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