Volcanic Eruptions and their Effects on Climate

Volcanic Eruptions and their Effects on Climate

What are volcanic eruptions?

Volcanic eruptions have been of primary concern to geologists and the world. The world has n the recent past experienced a lot of volcanic eruptions. It is, however, that we comprehend the concept of volcanic eruptions before we analyze its effects on the climate. In a simple language, volcanic eruptions are a result of continuous movements of the earth. These actions lead to a rupture that allows volcanic ash, gases and hot lava escape from the surface of the earth.  Conversion and diversion of tectonic plates in the earth surface leads to different types of volcanic eruptions that include magmatic, _phreatomagmatic_files and phreatic eruption.

Source: http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/2010/09/01/eruptions-is-moving

Volcanic eruptions and climate

Volcanic eruptions have been on a tremendous rise in the past few decades. Most countries in the Middle East and South America have experienced major volcanic eruptions with countries like Chile, Japan and Colombia hardly hit by these eruptions.World-latin-america-32425370.htm  Evacuation as Calbuco volcano erupts in Chile is the latest example of volcanic eruptions that resulted in a huge blast and a cloud of ash in southern Chile.  As a consequence of the increasing volcanic eruptions, it is essential that we understand the implications of such events to global climate.

Cooling effect

Experts have argued that volcanic eruptions affect climate in two different ways. As earlier discussed in the definition of the eruptions, greenhouse gases are evident during the eruption process. Carbon dioxide gases emitted during the eruption process contributes significantly to global warming effect. It is, however, to note that they have lesser effects as compared to the greenhouse gases emitted by burning fossil fuels. On this note, scientists also have observed presence of sulphur dioxide in the ash cloud produced during the eruptions and also has some cooling effects. From an experts’ point of view, sulphur dioxide is simply convertible into sulphate aerosols that together with volcanic ash from the eruptions forms a blanket to incoming radiations from the sun.

Calbuco volcano eruption. http://www.galapagos.org/blog/wolf-volcano-eruption-2015

Further impacts

The level of sulphur dioxide contained in the cloud ashes differs from one eruption to another. The level of sulphur dioxide concentration significantly influences the effects of the eruption to the environment. At times, the quantities can be vast thus leading to adverse climate impacts. For instance, it is just recently when Bárðarbunga and Holuhraun eruption in Iceland_files that are believed to have produced massive contents of sulphur dioxide. Experts have argued the level of sulphur dioxide produced by these eruptions is equal to the amount generated by the whole of European Union in 2014.

Such massive amounts of sulphur dioxide will have global climate impacts. Scientists assert that ash clouds can be easily spread in the stratosphere especially in instances where fast winds are prevalent. The widely spread out ash cloud with heavy sulphur dioxide content will have adverse effects on the global climate. It is, therefore, in the best interest that we hope the Calbuco eruption and subsequent eruptions will have less content in sulphur dioxide. It is critical for the scientists to monitor closely and predict the spread of ash clouds and act swiftly to prevent adverse effects.

Volcanic and explosivity

Volcanic eruptions are measured on a scale of zero to eight on the scale of explosivity that is mainly determined by the amount of debris or ash cloud produced.  One of the most notable volcanic eruptions was the Mount Pinatubo that happened in Philippines in mid-1991. The eruption was rated as a six and is rated as one of the most explosive eruptions. The amount of debris and ash cloud is instrumental in determining the level of climate impacts resulting from the volcanic eruption.  Explosivity determines the ability of the volcanic eruption reaching the stratosphere and subsequent effects on global climate. Although small debris and ash clouds will have impacts on climate, higher explosives can even be more disastrous especially if they reach a height of 15 kilometers.

SOURCE: http://exploringthearth.com/page/4

Eruptions and rainfall

In addition to temperature climatically changes, it has also been noted that volcanic eruptions have a significant impact on the tropical rains.  From a scientific point of view, volcanic eruptions have a significant role in determining the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The zone is a critical determinant of the level of rainfall received since it is characterized by low pressure that has lead to increased rain in most parts of Africa.  Most eruptions occur in one hemisphere thus forcing the ITCZ to shift away from that hemisphere. The famous El Nino is attributed to the increasing volcanic eruptions experienced in most African countries and the Pacific Ocean. The world should be wary of prolonged El Nino conditions or even La Nina if the trend of volcanic eruptions continues.

What next?

Though there has been a spirited effort to determine the full impacts of volcanic eruptions to the global climate, there are still some areas of further research. The volcanic eruptions are a continuing process and some of the impacts are yet to manifest themselves fully. This implies that it would be too early to make any conclusive statements on the global climate impacts resulting from volcanic eruptions. It is on this premise that it is insightful for researchers and geological engineers to carry out further research on this topic. There have suggestions of using solar radiation management schemes_files for climate cooling. It is, therefore, imperative for geologists and scientists to devise ways and means of dealing with the unforeseen impacts of volcanic eruptions that would be disastrous to the global climate.

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