WalMart Human Resource Management

  1. Strategic Analysis

Both human resource and corporate strategies are the backbones of the smooth running of business operations. They ensure that there is the attainment of the set objectives without having any adverse implications on other stakeholders. The strategies further contribute to improving productivity levels, cost leadership, competitive advantage and smooth running of operational processes. In this case, human resource management refers to the strategies that are adopted by WalMart to uphold productivity and wellbeing of its workforce. There is the inclusion of manager and the employees in different levels of planning thus promoting collaboration. These levels include function level-strategy, business-level-strategy, and corporate-level –strategy. These strategies ensure that there is a smooth implementation of all policies and changes.

The adoption of competitive strategies calls for a vibrant and effective HR. these strategies are selected on the basis of WalMart contingency and the ability to conform to the ongoing market trends. These strategies have direct impacts on the performance levels as they influence the organizational culture. The contingency of the WalMart HR strategies can be defined as being fitness where new changes must be compatible with the organizational stricter and functioning. It thus entails factors such criteria for recruitment, training, and compensation of the workers.

  1. Environmental Analysis

Focusing on the consumer goods industry indicates that there are ongoing trends to adopt sustainable business models with the objective of maximizing the profits levels without any adverse impacts on the environment. Other than the adoption of green energies, there is an emphasis on the smooth coordination of the workforce. It is critical to note that the workforce has significant impacts on the productivity levels and ensures that there is the smooth implementation of new policies. Human resource management thus undertakes to ensure that the employees are well trained and compensated. On the other hand, high levels of cultural diversity are likely to disrupt the composition of the WalMart workforce.

The argument rests on the fact that there is a need to ensure that the values and interests of all groups are included in the organization. Sidelining some of the groups on the basis of race, religion, gender or sexual direction may taint the public image of WalMart as well lead to the prevalence of a negative organizational culture.  The management is thus charged with the duty of ensuring that it adopts policies that contribute to the upholding of rights of all stakeholders.

Focusing on the industry illustrates that there is a growing adoption of online platforms and other technologies. It implies that there is a reduced reliance on manual labor. On the contrary, WalMart has automated most of its process with the objective of lowering the operational costs and capturing a large market. Other than reducing the number of employees, the ongoing trends make it vital for the employees to have technical knowledge. The argument rests on the fact that the adoption of the technologies is regarded as being one of the ways that WalMart can gain a competitive advantage over other market players.

  1. Labour Supply

In the past, WalMart has faced some lawsuits that relate to the violation of the rights of the employees. Going forward, there would be the need to ensure that the rights and interest of the employees are put into consideration. Some of the factors that may affect the labor supply include compensation level, government regulations, and the skills of the labor pool. While an increase in the compensation level will lower the profit margins in the short run period, it is worth noting that it is instrumental in creating a positive organizational culture. It gives the workers the impression that they are valued thus being more committed in their duties.

However, the growing adoption of new technologies is likely to disrupt the recruitment processes. Just like other organizations in the consumer goods sector, WalMart is likely to adopt new technologies with the objective of cutting down on labor costs. An example is the fact that the integration of online platforms will reduce the number of persons needed to market and make sales. On the other hand, the trend will further disrupt the recruitment processes as there will be an increased emphasis on technical skills. However, there are other duties that will still need a high pool of skilled and semi-skilled labor.

  1. New Technology

Under the current setting, many organizations are adopting better technologies. It is imperative to mention that the adoption of new technologies is regarded as being one of the ways that WalMart can reduce the levels of wastes and operational costs. The new technologies come with both positive and negative impacts. Under the positive impacts, they will assist in the execution of duties thus making it possible to attain the set objectives.  There will also be a review of jobs designs to ensure that there are few chances of risks and improved productivity levels.  The changes will further make it possible for the management to monitor the performance levels of the employees. However, these trends further imply that person without the required technical skills will be locked out of the recruitment processes.

Other than covering the sales of goods and services, it is worth noting that technology further covers areas such as the distribution of the goods. There is a growing emphasis on the need to adopt sustainable distribution models. The argument is based on the view that the Top=Bottom-Analysis of WalMart operations also ought to include environmental and social impacts as opposed to just restricting the consideration of economic factors. It is thus vital to ensure that there is the adoption of effective technologies that help reduce the carbon footprint levels. In the distribution process, WalMart often includes the services of their parties that have high regard for the environment. Other than protecting the environment, such measures reduce the levels of wastes thus increasing the profit levels.

  1. Industrial and Legal Requirements

The operations of WalMart impact on different stakeholders such as the employees, customers, local communities. There is thus the need to ensure that they are regulated with the objective of countering any negative impacts on the listed stakeholders. One of the areas that are closely regulated concerns the impacts the business has on the environment. There are different environmental agencies thus ensure that there is no emission of harmful products in the air. The move thus requires the company to adopt sustainable business models and green energies.

On the other hand, there are mammy regulations that monitor the welfare of the employees. They ensure that there are no violations of the rights of the workers. They regulate elements such as compensation rates, the interest of workers and the creation of policies that addressed cases of discrimination. Additionally, the industry is shifting towards the use of online platforms that allow for the ordering and paying of gods. The trend is regarded as being one of the ways that can help push the organization into global markets. In remaining competitive, ethical and profitable in the industry, WalMart must ensure that it puts these factors into consideration.  A deviation from the set laws and regulations may taint the public image.

The human resources department plays an important role in ensuring that there is the smooth running of all operations. The department is thus centered on policies and philosophies that seek to provide that there is improved wellbeing of all employees. It outlines the ways that an organization ought to function and the principles that are to guide the conduct of all employees. The policies are critical in highlighting ways that all employees need to be treated. The WalMart policies ensure that all problems are dealt with swiftly and in accordance with the set regulations.  The policies are further used in the induction processes, onboarding initiatives, training of employees and coordinating other processes.

The WalMart human resources philosophies covers are such as employment and age. Under employment, there is the stress on ensuring that none of the employees are discriminated on the basis of age or gender. On the contrary, they are given equal opportunities through which they can p4rogress their careers. There is also the indication that age ought not to be used as a predictor of the performance levels. The policies ensure that the performance levels are not based on age.  The other policy covers bullying and discrimination of the employees. In common cases, there is a tendency to discriminate junior workers.

On the other hand, there are ongoing efforts to ensure that there is diversity in management activities. The policy is based on the realization that there is the central need to ensure that the values of all minority groups are put into consideration. There are thus by the WalMart management to ensure that there is the inclusion of diverse people. It is one of the ways that the organizational culture can be improved as well as conflicts resolved. While there are huge costs during the short run period, it is worth noting that there are many benefits that come with the undertaking such as the shaping of the organizational culture.