We are Okay by Nina Lacour

‘We are Okay’ is a teen and young adult book. It is a story of a grief-laden girl called Marin. She was suffering grief from the loss of her grandfather, who had raised her, and information that changes her perspective about him. Marin left San Francisco early for college in New York and had vowed to detach herself entirely from people in her past life. She has not spoken to them so far, but her best friend Mabel is continually trying to reconnect with her. Mabel comes to on a three-day visit when Marin had chosen to remain alone in her dorm.

Friendship to me sound like the central theme the Nina addresses in this excellent novel. We are shown the power of the strong bond that existed between Marin and Mabel. Mabel comes to visit Marin during the holidays, even though the later wished d to remain alone in school, rather than reconnect with people from her old life. Friends support each other. Loneliness and grief are also different themes in the novel. I think the story is very significant in the lives of youths. This is because most of us can identify with some of the phenomena in the book, like being heartbroken.

This book is character-driven. It is filled with the different natures/characteristics of the characters that are observable in real life relationships. This is a book that would leave many a reader shedding tears. I found myself caught up in the emotions of the book. As I read the book, I could feel every word. The writer utilizes imagery to connect her ideas of loss, grief, friendship, remorse and heartbreak with the real world.

Nina Lacour uses her book to address various realities in real life. Marin’s romantic relationship, for example, addresses the issue of sexual fluidity and queerness that exists among youths. She uses their relationship to expose the fact that many teenagers are involved in complicated relationships.

The title of the book, I think it is rather straight forward, which is a good thing. It hints at a happy ending. I knew that at the end of this book would be a good ending which I usually love in any book. It also shows that there will be great suffering before the happy ending is obtained.

In conclusion, I am tempted to give the book a whole ratingThis is because of how Nina : This ability to portray a captivating depiction of loss, bewilderment, and emotional paralysis in a way that is identifiable by many people. You can feel very peak and valley of Marin’s emotional journey, and even smiling at the happy ending. Nina Lacour strikes me as a highly skilled writer.