Week 7 Questions

Week 7: Question 1 Group 2

I work in a beverage company in the production department. I am involved in the control of the automated system making sure that the system runs smoothly. Monitoring the system requires specific skills about how it works to enable on detect when there is a problem. From mixing of the beverages to packaging to the final product, a beverage has to pass different stages all in the automated systems. The different parts of the system operate differently and one has to be able to have the knowhow. Some of the skills required include computer skills, statistical skills, mathematical skills and others.

Hackman and Oldham’s Job Characteristics model is very useful in the job description. It helps one identify if to describe a job based on skills required, tasks involved or task significance. Jobs are designed based on certain characteristics such as skills or tasks. So when one is describing his/huger job, it done on the basis of skills required or tasks involved. The skills will show if the job is high or low variety while the tasks show high identity or low identity. Employees motivation will depend on how high variety or how high task identity is associated with the job.

Week 7: Question 2 Group 2

If I was to redesign my job, it would be of high variety. I would ensure it involves a variety of skills such as statistical skills, mathematical skills, computer skills and quality control skills. With all these skills, I would be able to control the whole production process from quality control to the final product. Computer skills would be useful in the control of the automated system while the statistical and mathematical skills would be useful in quality control. In addition, this will involve controlling the while production process from the start to the end. From mixing of the concentrates to the packaging of the final product, this is high task identity.

The most important core job characteristics are skills variety and task identity. Skills variety involves the variety to which a job requires the usage of various skills. I am more interested in jobs that require high skills variety. High skills make one valuable to the company. Task identity is the extent to which performing a job involves performing it from start to end. I value being in control of a job that has several processes.  If I am working in a high skills variety and high task identity, I feel motivated and happy with my job.

Week 7: Question 3 Group 2

A goal is what an individual or employees is trying to achieve through actions and behavior. In any organizations, there are goals that motivate employees and also ensure that the overall goals of the company are an achieved. In the beverage company where I work, goals are set by the management and passed on to the employees. When I was working in the distribution department, we used to receive sales target for every month. This was based on the preferred performance as set by the management. The targets were however mostly set above the preferred limit to make more motivated and meet the preferred targets.

The element of effective goal setting present here is difficulty. The management used to set sales target that are difficult to achieve. Difficult goals lead to higher motivation and higher performance. Though difficult goals are hard, they are not impossible since we used to meet the targets. At times the management would allow us to set our own targets with the guide of the supervisor and we would set low targets.  However, we kind of felt unmotivated because we would achieve the targets very fast and then relax. This would lead to low performance thus affecting the overall goals of the company.

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