What are the strengths, limitations and challenges of ethical and socially responsible business practice

What are the strengths, limitations and challenges of ethical and socially responsible business practice

Preparation When writing your essay you should consider the stages discussed in class, including research & note-taking, planning, structuring and editing. To supplement the topics discussed in class, you should refer to the sections on essay writing in at least one study skills book, such as: Cottrell S (2008) The Study Skills Handbook, Basingstoke, Palgrave Cottrell S. (2011) Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument, 2nd edition Palgrave Macmillan Créme P & Lea M (1997) Writing at University, Buckingham, Open University Drew S & Bingham R (1997) The Students Skills Guide, Aldershot, Gower Rose J (2001) The Mature Students Guide to Writing, Basingstoke, Palgrave Tyler,S. (2007) 3rd edition The Manager’s Good Study Guide, Milton Keynes, Open University See also resources on Blackboard and the Birkbeck Library web pages. 4. References You must show that you have consulted the literature on your subject by the use of references. You are expected to refer to a range of sources, including non-electronic sources of information ie. academic books. You should use the Harvard Referencing System. As a minimum , you should refer to at least three academic sources. As a guide for later modules, there is usually an expectation that you refer to at least five academic sources when writing an essay or report. 5. Word count This should be within 10% of the word limit. Quotations are included in the word count so these should be brief and carefully selected 6. Criteria for assessment Refer to the information on Moodle for general assessment criteria. Your work will be specifically marked for how far it demonstrates the following: • A clearly structured ‘argument’ that maintains a focus on the essay title • Use of an appropriate selection of secondary sources to support the development of your argument. • Analysis and evaluation of the sources that you Accurate referencing of the sources that you use This essay should be written with reference to a company as example ( except coca-cola,Tesco,apple,nestle, mc Donald, Starbucks) Deadline in 4 days/ 1200-1500 words divided into introduction, strength, limitation of ethical business practices,challenges to implementing ethical business practices,conclusion, references