What are your KSA’s?

I am the owner of Riviera Cleaners Company that will provide residential cleaning services to the affluent market. Currently, I am pursuing a business course, so my knowledge in this domain is up-to-date. I have received sufficient academic training and guidance that enhance my knowledge of accounting such as cost and tax accounting. Also, I have knowledge of accounting procedures and principles, and I will use these skills to run the business when it opens.

During my internship period, I have sharpened my analytical and critical thinking skills. When the business is six or twelve months old, these skills will be significant in achieving a given target and improving the performance of the organization. Besides, when I was an intern, I determined intelligence gap, high-value targets and delivered a successful analysis. I have the skills in using logic and reasoning to solve problems. I can identify strengths and weaknesses of solutions that can solve a problem. With interpersonal skills, I can develop a fruitful relationship with my team, enhance trust and ensure that every individual benefit. I have a strong background in leadership, which has been improved by my effective interpersonal skills.

Given my experience, I have the ability to work under pressure. As an intern, I significantly succeeded in meeting client’s deadlines and working under pressure. Also, I have the ability to plan and delegate duties effectively. Residential cleaning business requires employees to manage time; therefore, with my time management skills, I can plan and allocate resources to ensure successful completion of the project within the given time. Lastly, I have computer skills and knowledge of using office software. My work and education experiences have enhanced my proficiency with computer programs and application such as presentations, Microsoft Office, Oracle, and emails.

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