White Racism

For several years in the United States of America, blacks have been the victims of racial discrimination whereby they have faced difficulties in securing jobs just because of their skin color. However, the rise of various civic groups has helped alleviate this problem by advocating for equality for all different races in the country. This has led to the preferential treatment of black people and other minorities on various issues in society. With this, the members of the white community have felt that they have been sidelined and disadvantaged because of their skin color. This has given rise to the issue of white racism. This has brought about the idea of color-blind racism, which advocates for judging a person based on their character and not their race. Arguments have, therefore, rose on the best way to handle this case to ensure that all the tracks are satisfied and comfortable.

When President Obama took over the office, he was recognized for his outspoken fight against racism and how he distanced himself from all the things that could bring a perception that he was favoring the black community (Bonilla-Silva and Dietrich 201). Bonilla-Silva and Dietrich point out that the white population in the United States especially the working and the middle class felt that they were less privileged because of their race. They were, however, advocating for colorblind racism and argued that the election of Obama was, in fact, not a result of the post-racism in the country but due to color blind racism. This article cautions that unless people of color rise and fight the colorblind racism, there is the tendency that it will take the country back to the darkest periods where racial discrimination was rampant and may lead to the reinstatement of racial order of white privilege.

In general, arguments have been put in place in support of the color blind racism. The proponents of this point of view state that the racial discrimination that the black people have faced is based on the historical injustice and, thus, the current population should not be responsible for the actions of the past (Sniderman, and Carmines 101). These authors argue that the commitment to the color-blind racism is essential in enhancing equality and guarantees that those who are in need are attended to whether they are black or white as opposed to supporting the minorities leading to the suffering of the poor majority.

In their publication, Kinder and Sanders view the issue of color-blind racism as a step in the wrong direction. They argue that even though racial bigotry has been on the decline over the past years, it should not be considered to have ended and that there is still plenty of racial discrimination around as the whites have prejudices over the other races (Kinder and Sanders 127). Therefore, they assert that the notion of color-blind racism should be revoked and the minority should receive support because they are still vulnerable and could suffer from this type of racism.

In a nutshell, the three articles point out essential issues concerning white racism. The first and third ones highlighted the importance of supporting the minority races. The second article, however, provides very compelling arguments and asserts that one should be judged based on their character to ensure that colorblind racism is supported to drum up the support of all the needy and not give preferences to one based on their skin color.



Works Cited

Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo, and David Dietrich. “The Sweet Enchantment Of Color-Blind Racism In Obamerica.” The ANNALS Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science, vol 634, no. 1, 2011, pp. 190-206. SAGE Publications, doi:10.1177/0002716210389702. Accessed 10 Mar 2019.

Kinder, Donald R, and Lynn M Sanders. Divided By Color. University Of Chicago Press, 1996.

Sniderman, Paul M, and Edward G Carmines. Reaching Beyond Race. Harvard University Press, 1997.