Writing of American history

Writing of American history

What do you think are the important points/issues/themes/critiques of how “American history” has been written?

Howard Zinn on American Historycites that “the leaders do not have such as incentive, the textbook publishers do not have such an incentive. The only people who have such an incentive are teachers and students. About this, American history writers do not have any incentive of advocating honesty in writing the history.

The literature for teaching American history should be logical and also contain all the necessary information that any historian needs to learn. The books only focus on the positive impact of the ‘heroes’ but neglect their implications in American history.

What questions/comments did the readings raise for you regarding the writing of American history?

            From the weekly readings, I still have to question the accuracy of the information that we usually read in class about American history.  First of all, I wonder if it was only white people who should influence in determining the American past. I believe that there might have been other races who contributed to the rise of America.

Secondly, every story has three sides, one person’s hand, another person’s perspective, and the truth. We should have different accounts from every race in their quest or participation in the making of the American History.

Howard Zinn in the video Howard Zinn on American Historyhe indicates that ‘the history that looks at what we have done from the standpoint of black people, Native Americans, poor people, women, generally people whom have been omitted from traditional history.’. In this context, I believe that pure honesty should have an impact in writing the American History.


What are your thoughts/analysis on Columbus as “hero” of history?

            For starters, Christopher Columbus did not discover Indians initially inhabited America for the land. Columbus lied about his mission of looking for India by ordering fleets of ships from the queen of Spain to find a better trade market, but instead, his mission was conquering the inhabitants and enslaving them for he thought he was ‘justified’ to run a whole new continent by himself.

Considering Columbus as an American hero is indeed laughable and unjust for he only tortured and killed the inhabitants for his self-gain. He caused extreme poverty to the native Americans and this attributed to discrimination due to race and social classes.

What is the significance of the ban on Ethnic Studies (HB 2281) in Arizona and the Texas Textbooks controversy?

            The ban on teaching ethics studies in the two states indicates the first step in raising children to appreciate each other for their personality, rather than their ethnicity, race, social classes, and gender disparities. For instance, the ban of teaching about the holocausts could assist the future generation from having the idea of killing the mass population due to their different stands in religious beliefs. HB2281 Arizona indicates that “Public school pupils should be taught to treat and value each other as individuals and not be taught to resent other races or classes of people.”

The ban can also become a stepping stone for promoting multiculturalism in the future generation of American culture. Specific issues such as the NFL protest should be social vices that need eradication in the next generation. Part of the protest could still have links with the study of past oppression of different races and the same concept could be adopted by anyone who would instead feel superior.

 What does it reveal about multiculturalism and the writing of U.S. history and who has the “power” to frame the classroom learning?

The publishers and big educational conglomerates have the upper hand in deciding on the context of education that needs to be taught in classrooms.These publishers, according to Texas Re-writing US history video showcases the spread of racism, and other social discrimination vices accord the learning lot.

Multiculturalism should be the standing principles in identifying the American culture. HB2281 Arizona bill is a clear example of laws that encourage the appreciation of different cultures in the United States. Writing of the U.S. history should include all accounts of different people in identifying the American culture.

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